Congressional Members Share Thoughts on Two-State Solution for Israel, Palestine

WASHINGTON, D.C. – It’s been nearly five months since Hamas attacked Israel. Since then, the fighting has continued which has displaced nearly two-million people in the Gaza Strip. Some congressional members are pushing for a two-state solution in hopes that it will allow Israelis and Palestinians a chance to live in peace. We spoke with other members about a possible two-state solution.  

The United Nations Secretary General recently said there should be urges steps to de-escalate the situation. The UN Secretary General added there must be steps towards a two-state solution. A two-state solution is where there would be an established and fully independent Palestinian state separate from Israel.   

Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu recently rejected the idea of a separate Palestine. Following those comments, the majority of democratic US Senators are now pushing to add an amendment in the security supplemental bill to include language stating the US supports a two-state solution between Israel and Palestine. 

We asked other congressional members about a two-state solution. 

“I stand with the state of Israel and right now they’re in a state of war,” said Rep. Nick Langworthy (R- NY). “We’re nowhere close to a two-state solution, that’s not going to happen anytime soon. We have a war with Hamas. Israel has a right to defend itself and it has a right to exist.” 

Senator John Fetterman (D- PA) said in part he supports this amendment that pushes for a two-state solution. He also adds: “But I also believe that to have lasting peace and a two-state solution, Hamas must be fully destroyed. I am working with my colleagues on an amendment to the national security supplemental that would include that precondition.” 

“That’s up to Israel and Palestine to decide to support a two-state solution,” said Rep. Mike Kelly (R- PA). “I’ve always been fascinated by the fact that America thinks it somehow needs to be involved in that. That’s between Israel and Palestine.” 

President Biden also supports a two-state solution.