Despite Tough Loss in SC, Haley Vows to Remain in Race as She Looks for Momentum in MI

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Despite a double-digit loss for Nikki Haley in her home state of South Carolina on Saturday, the former UN Ambassador has vowed to remain in the race. 

The 20-point victory for former President Donald Trump, also appears to be costing the Haley campaign. 

Over the weekend, Americans for Prosperity (AFP), a conservative grassroots organization founded by billionaire Charles Koch, announced it is ceasing support for Haley’s 2024 Presidential campaign and will instead be focusing on House and Senate races. 

It’s a major blow to the campaign, but at this point, Haley is still running full steam ahead. 

“I’m not giving up this fight when a majority of Americans disapprove of both Donald Trump and Joe Biden,” said Haley. 

Heading into her home state’s primary, Haley vowed to continue her campaign, regardless of the outcome. 

“I’m a woman of my word,” said Haley. “We’re heading to the Super Tuesday states throughout all of next week.” 

The dropped support from the political arm of AFP makes Haley’s path to victory even more challenging. AFP-action had paid for ads and field operations for months in an effort to convince Republican voters to support someone other than Trump. 

However, some experts say Haley is probably not going anywhere anytime soon and that she may even stay in the race beyond Super Tuesday (March 5). 

“I wouldn’t be surprised if she continued all the way to the convention,” said Dr. Todd Belt, Professor and Director of the Political Management Master’s Program at George Washington University. 

Belt says the legal challenges surrounding the former President give Haley a reason to stay in the race. 

“Because that will give her more delegates and a little bit more leverage in terms of saying I’m really the next heir apparent here in the Republican Party should something happen,” said Belt. 

A second reason, Belt says, is because she could be laying the groundwork for another run in 2028. 

“She’s developing the contacts, the donor lists, the volunteers and everything you need to make a run. So it’s actually not time ill-spent at this point,” said Belt. 

In the meantime, Haley is looking for momentum from voters in Michigan, who will head to the polls on Tuesday. She held campaign events in Troy, MI on Sunday and Grand Rapids, MI on Monday.  

Over one-million early votes have been cast in Michigan’s early voting period which ended on Sunday.