Family Members of Hostages Held by Hamas Meet with U.S. Lawmakers

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, family members of hostages being held by Hamas were at our nation’s capital to plead for the release of their loved-ones. It’s been nearly three weeks since unimaginable violence and devastation struck Israeli communities.  

“Terrorists invaded and for hours went house by house, butchering families, my friends, people I grew up with,” said Noam Perry, whose father Haim was taken hostage by Hamas. “I got a text message from my mother saying, ‘Dad has been kidnapped by terrorists, I’m alone in the saferoom, can’t talk.’ I never imagined in my life getting this message,” she added. 

The deadly attacks and slaughtering of innocent civilians by Hamas, escalated tensions in the region to new heights. Family members of those taken hostage by Hamas continue to live their worst nightmare.  

“We live in this bizarre universe of not knowing if our loved one is alive, dead, being taken care of, what did he eat,” said Ruby Chen, father of 19-year-old Itay Chen, an American Israeli taken hostage by Hamas. 

Chen and other family members met with lawmakers in both chambers Thursday and shared emotional pleas to get their loved ones back home. The group says they are the voice for the estimated 220 hostages from 35 nationalities.  

They say it should be everyone’s goal to ensure freedom for the hostages, but add that it can’t be accomplished without the help of the U.S. 

“The United States is the only one who can lead this international effort to make our loved ones come back safely,” said Perry.