Governor Bryan Enthusiastic for Harris-Walz at Democratic National Convention

CHICAGO, IL – Governor Albert Bryan, Jr. was in the Windy City to participate in the Democratic National Convention. Bryan said it’s important for the Virgin Islands to participate in the event because we can’t vote for president. Delegates from territories and US states traveled to Chicago this past week to formally nominate Vice President Kamala Harris as the Democratic nominee for US President. 

“What an incredible experience being here in Chicago,” said Gov. Bryan. “Not only to witness this historic event but the energy here is electrifying. Everywhere you go people are excited about this team.” 

Governor Bryan and delegates from the islands also got a chance to hear from party leaders like President Joe Biden, former President Barack Obama, former First Lady Michelle Obama and former President Bill Clinton.  

“The most moving part of this was Oprah coming on last night and saying she’s an independent and all the independents should vote,” said Gov. Bryan. “The hype is there yes but guess what, you have to vote to make it a reality. We can’t but you can. Make sure you do it.” 

We asked the Governor what he would like a Harris Administration do for the Islands if they win the White House: 

“What we really want to see for the Virgin Islands is a constant ear to the White House and we’ve had tremendous success under the Biden Administration,” said Gov. Bryan. “A lot of funding coming in, reducing our match to two percent, always making sure he is up on our energy as well as Puerto Rico. We want to see the continuation of that and we want to be able to build better relationships with the cabinet as a whole because we have some things that are not congressional that can be done under Treasury or FEMA. All those great relationships we want to keep going.”