Pro-Palestine Supporters Protest Outside US Capitol During Netanyahu Visit

WASHINGTON, D.C. – A large pro- Palestine protest rallied nearby the US Capitol on Wednesday. Protesters there were angry the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was in town, addressing congress. US Capitol Police said some of the crowds started to become violent and disobey their orders. 

Just hours before Netanyahu addressed congress, a large pro-Palestine rally formed a couple of blocks away.  

“We’ve been trying to come out to all of the protests,” said Azezeh, a protester. “Obviously there are numerous ones but because Netanyahu is here we need to end this genocide, like when will Israel stop trying to collect pieces of Palestine?” 

Officials blocked off roads surrounding the Capitol, lining streets with fencing, cement barricades and trucks. Making it nearly impossible to access the capitol grounds. More than 200 New York Police Department officers were called in as reinforcements. They swore in as US Capitol Police Special Officers to help in policing events this week. The large police presence was noticeable around the protest and surrounding the capitol. 

At one point, things took a turn. US Capitol Police said part of the crowd has started to become violent and they are failing to obey their orders to move back from their police line. They added they will use pepper spray towards anyone trying to break the law and cross the line. You could hear a flashbang in the background. 

People we spoke with said they hope this protest sends a message to Netanyahu. 

“Netanyahu you have to get out of office, you need to go to jail,” said Azezah.  

“The USA it’s based on- we talk about it a lot- freedom,” said Lilia Di Leda, a protester. “It’s based on liberty. And what he’s doing right now is a violation of human rights. This is disgraceful. This is disgusting and we want to promote peace. It’s as easy as that. We want peace and we want freedom and we want them to stop killing innocent civilians.” 

“I’m a daughter of holocaust survivors and I know that never again means never again for everyone,” said Jane Hirschmann, with the organization Jewish Voices for Peace. “Israel does not get a pass and what they’re doing in our name for Jewish people is really disgusting.” 

“Netanyahu is coming to the United States as a war criminal,” said Ghalia Bouzid, a protester. “People say we don’t negotiate with these types of people that promote hate and war and crime and all I have to say to members of congress who openly welcome him with open arms: shame on him shame on you for allowing this to happen.”