Top Hats, Jewelry and Dogs: Attendees Dress Up for Republican National Convention

MILWAUKEE, WI- For the past couple of days, our team at the Republican National Convention has met a variety of people and characters from across the US. Many of the attendees dress up for the convention. 

At the RNC, some vendors sell their latest designs.  

“It’s so fun seeing somebody wear what you made and they’ll walk past the booth and I’ll be like: I made that,” said Lori Domzil, the owner and creator of Wiki Wares. “I see your shirt! So its quite fun.” 

But for many, it’s a chance to dress up and represent their state.   

“I’m rocking our Texas made delegate buckle and our hats which were donated to us by Toyota of America,” said Rochelle Brooks, a Texas delegate. “They also gave us our Texas flag shirt which I don’t have on me but we will be rocking them on the floor tonight.” 

From top hats and jewelry, people are dressing up.  

“This top hat was made by another member of the Illinois delegation,” said Luther Landon, Illinois delegate. “She is an artist. She painted this. She captured what President Trump was in this I think in this nice composition.” 

“I’m all blinged out,” said Linda Stoch, Florida delegate. “Trump 2024. That’s 47 for Trump.” 

“So the delegates all trade pins,” said Michele Merrell, Florida Delegate. “We bring a handful of pins and we all trade them. We go through and decorate our lanyard, it’s a tradition at all RNC conventions.” 

Some stay in character. 

“It’s just to show people there’s still a battle going on so the outfit this is what i brought with me from the past,” said Connecticut man who was impersonating General Nathanael Greene. “So when I got into the machine Benjamin Franklin said here take this with you so here I am. I thought it was 1923 but I seem to be further along here.” 

“It represents the United States because it’s Uncle Sam,” said a man who dressed as Uncle Sam. “It’s a patriotic outfit and that’s why I wear it.”  

Even the dogs dress up. Attendees said it’s all part of the fun.  

“We love it,” said Merrell. “We are all taking pictures of each other.” 

One of the latest accessories at the convention is an ear bandage, which is what former President Donald Trump is also wearing following the assassination attempt where the bullet clipped him. Other people at the RNC are also wearing a bandage on their ear, too.