Two Years into the War in Ukraine, Americans Continue to Volunteer to Provide Aid

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Ever since Russia invaded Ukraine in February of 2022. We’ve seen people from our communities volunteer to help Ukraine. Two years into this war, these volunteers are not giving up. 

“Everything has happened so much in two years,” said Sally Naetzker Baer.    

 Naetzker Baer is from Chautauqua County, New York. You might be familiar with her work. Two years ago, we met her in Poland right after the Russian invasion. She was dropping off aid in Ukraine and helping bring women and children into Poland. 

“At first we were doing a lot of military vests, a lot of helmets just anything to help normal citizens that wanted to volunteer to get there on the ground to help defend Kyiv, Bucha, Irpin, that kind of thing,” said Naetzker Baer.  

Naetzer Baer said within the two years her work has continued. She said it’s grown into a grassroots-like organization. She’s helped fundraise and deliver drones and tourniquets. Getting those items to the frontlines.  

“I knew in the beginning I could make a difference,” said Naetzker Baer. 

Her work has not gone unnoticed. 

“They [Ukraine’s military] awarded me a medal with the commander in chief of the armed forces,” said Naetzker Baer. 

Russia has made recent advances on the battlefront, advancing further into Ukraine. Congress is still weighing on sending billions more to help the Ukrainians. Naetzker Baer said it’s the first time she’s felling less optimistic about where this war is going but whatever the circumstances, she will continue her work. She praises the Ukrainians for their bravery and resilience. 

“They will go until the bitter end,” said Naetzker Baer. “They’re not willing to give up who they are, they are resilient people and I couldn’t have been more proud and more humbled to work with people in Ukraine and continue working with them.” 

 Naetzker Baer said if you want to follow her work, you can reach out to her on Facebook.