What to Expect in Saturday’s South Carolina GOP Primary

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Tomorrow’s GOP primary in South Carolina could set the tone for the remainder of the Republican race for the White House. 

Former President Donald Trump is going head-to-head with his former UN Ambassador, Nikki Haley.  

Haley, who previously served as Governor of South Carolina, has stayed in the race despite losses in Iowa, New Hampshire and the Virgin Islands.  

Analysts say Trump has a commanding lead in the polls and is expected to have a strong performance tomorrow evening. However, some still believe Nikki Haley will remain in the race for the long run. 

“Well, it looks like Nikki Haley is going to take a shellacking in her home state, probably by 30 to 35 points. It’s not going to look great. Most of the state-level officials there have already endorsed Donald Trump, he is wildly popular there,” said Dr. Todd Belt, Professor and Director of the Political Management Master’s Program at George Washington University. “She’s staying through to the big March 5, Super Tuesday that we’re going to have. And she’s going to try to rack up some delegates there. It’s going to be difficult because many of these primaries are winner take all or winner take most, as they call them now,” he added. 

South Carolina’s Presidential primary elections are open, meaning all registered voters, including Independents or non-affiliated voters, can participate.  

Over a dozen states are holding presidential primaries on Super Tuesday, which will take place March 5. 874 delegates will be at stake on Super Tuesday this year.